Monday, June 29, 2009

Step Two: In which Nata and David forsake their abode.

It was just too empty!!

The brutal reality of the situation soon set in....

We are officially tramps for the month of July.

This is the first significant step we have taken toward Serbia since buying our tickets a few months ago. We will be bummin' around from here to there until departure. If you see us on the street, be kind. Give us some change or a smoke. At the very least, a nod and a wave.


  1. i've got a couch if you need it! i'm so glad you're keeping the blog, and can't wait to read about all of the upcoming adventures.

    -- Jennifer

  2. Awww :( I'm sad I wasn't there to help/say goodbye to the apartment-Can't wait to see you guys. 8 days and counting!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. so sad to see empty houses. but no worries, you still have many friends left to mooch off until you leave :) COME GET YOUR MATH BOOKS (math makes me sad).
