Friday, October 16, 2009


So, these are just a few tidbits from the last two or three days... In response to some complaints that have been made*, we will make sure that each and every picture is accompanied by a hand-crafted, humorous/informative/expository comment of its own. Geez, you people are demanding!

Also, we are leaving on Monday to go to Paris for about a week. Needless to say, we are very excited and trembling with anticipation! If we aren't responding to various forms of communication, please be patient; we are just enjoying ourselves too much to find the internet!

*See comments from the Oct. 11 post...

Mirko, Sasa, David and Dijana at Dzakarta

Ina does not really look like that! She also does not smoke!
Mirko does look like that! Perhaps a little less confused!
They are our good friends,
Ina and Mirko!

Sasa has a booooyfriend!!!! (His name is Vlada and he's on the left there)

The table was segregated between the people who needed to learn more of a certain language (pictured here)...

... and those who think they're so freakin' cool because they already speak two languages and want to "catch up" with eachother!!! (--David) PS- that's Nikola.

Take a look at those cool pink pants!

... and that green thumb!

Look at him. What do you even need to say? I mean, c'mon, that is CUTE!!!!

And so is that?

Mirko and Dusan

Nata and Dusan


  1. thank you for captions! it's nice to know who's who :) oh! this bosnian girl who works with me told me yesterday that bijelo dugme is going to be in st. louis on halloween! if only i had a couple of crazy people willing to go on a road trip with me...

  2. there is a former-yugoslavian girl that works with you now? wait... are you replacing me? should i be getting jealous? :) awww... bijelo dugme... cheezy eighties... it would be great indeed! love to you.
